Friday, April 9, 2010

Now You See Her-Merline Lovelace

Now You See Her
Merline Lovelace
Berkley, May 2010, $7.99
ISBN: 9780425234761

Having time on her hands while waiting for her date to pick her up at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Air Force Future Systems Test Cadre 3 chief Second Lieutenant Samantha Spade runs a test on a new type of goggles. To the shock of the “Techno diva”, the goggles work perfectly. However even more stunning she sees a man in a ski mask holding a gun while stalking some prey.

Sam manages to warn bystanders and especially the apparent victim Sergeant Diane Roth, who runs over the sniper with her SUV. To both women's amazement, the dead culprit is a soldier suffering from PTSD; who served with his chosen victim in Afghanistan. As investigators and the media look into the case and things about Diane surface, Sam fears somehow she made All the Wrong Moves.

The latest Samantha Spade military mystery is an enjoyable investigative tale in which the experimental gizmos and the Air Force bureaucracy enhance the prime plot, Sam’s unofficial inquiry. Fast-paced throughout, readers will enjoy this fine thriller as revelations re media heroine Diane keep popping up, which has Sam digging deeper into why the assassination attempt.

Harriet Klausner

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